
TiKV is an open source project with an active community. TiKV’s source code is hosted on GitHub and is a Cloud Native Computing Foundation incubating project. We have information about how to contribute here.


The TiKV community is organized into special interest groups (SIGs). More information about the community and its governance is in the community repository. The current roster of SIGs is below. Follow the links for more information.


In the TiKV community we value open communication and collaboration. Here are our general communication channels.

Projects built on TiKV

TiKV is an open-source and vendor-neutral project. It thrives by collaborating with the wider community. Here are are some projects that are built using TiKV:

  • Tidis - a distributed NoSQL database, providing a Redis protocol API (string, list, hash, set, sorted set)
  • Titan - a distributed implementation of Redis compatible layer based on TiKV
  • Titea - a distributed redis protocol compatible NoSQL Database, providing a Redis protocol, based on TiKV and PD
  • TiPrometheus - An adapter/gateway for TiKV used to collect monitoring info via Prometheus
  • TiBigData - Misc BigData components for TiDB
  • Zetta - an open-source NoSQL database that supports transactions and a Cloud Spanner-like API

Code of Conduct

TiKV follows the CNCF Code of Conduct.